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企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 广东 东莞
联系卖家: 周生 先生   QQ在线咨询275158775
手机号码: 15818465693
公司官网: www.qiantaisjia...
公司地址: 广东省东莞市樟木头塑胶城

TPU 453DPS041〈TPU 453DPS041&am

发布时间:2019-05-27 06:16:30        


TPU 453DPS041〈TPU 453DPS041> 欢迎来电咨询:15818465693(周生)0769-33214396  可提供SGS,MSDS,COA,出厂认证,

PEI is amorphous, and has outstanding high temperature resistance, high strength, high modulus and wide chemical resistance. It has natural flammability, low ***oke emission and high dielectric c***tant and dissipation factor.

Commodity name: ULTEM:

PEI plastic material in plastic online plastic Encyclopedia

The United States GE 1000-1000/71011010-1000/7001, ATX2002100220

Product introduction:TPU 453DPS041〈TPU 453DPS041>

TPU 453DPS041〈TPU 453DPS041> PBT The rheological property of PET is better in the melting state, and the effect of pressure on the viscosity is larger than that of the temperature. Therefore, the flow of the melt is changed mainly from the pressure. 1, the treatment of plastics is due to the PET macromolecule containing lipid base, which has a certain hydrophilicity. The pellets are sensitive to water at high temperature. When the moisture content exceeds the limit, the molecular weight of PET decreases, and the products are colored and crisp. Therefore, it is necessary to dry the material before processing, and the drying temperature is 150, 4 hours, generally 170, 3-4 hours. The air - ejection method is used to test whether the material is completely dry. Generally, the proportion of the recycled material should not exceed 25%, and the recycled material should be completely dried.

2, PET is chosen for injection molding machine. Because of its short time after melting point and high melting point, it is necessary to choose injection system with more temperature control section and less friction heat when plasticizing, and the actual weight of products (water cut material) should not be less than 2/3 of machine injection volume. Based on these requirements, in recent years, Ramada has developed a ***all and medium-sized series of PET special plasticizing systems. The clamping force is selected by more than 6300t/m2.

3, mold and gate design, PET bottle embryo is usually molded by hot runner mold. Between the mold and injection molding machine template, it is best to h***e insulation panels, the thickness is about 12mm, and the heat insulation board will be able to withstand high pressure. The exhaust must be sufficient to ***oid partial overheating or fragmentation, but the depth of the exhaust port is generally not more than 0.03mm, otherwise it is easy to produce the fly edge.

Combustibility: it is difficult to burn and can continue to burn after fire.

Energy s***ing: the light tran***ittance is good, the light source products are reduced, electricity s***ing is s***ed, and the cost of use is reduced.

The shortcomings of PMMA are brittle and brittle, low surface hardness, easy to be scraped and lose luster, but fine scratches and scratches can be removed with polished paste. History

Acrylic (ACRYLIC), name of special treatment of organic glass. The research and development of acrylic has a history of more than 100 years ago. In 1872 of the polymerization of acrylic acid was found in 1880; methacrylate polymerization known; synthesis of poly propylene ester propionic acid in 1901; in 1927 using the synthesis method to industrialized manufacturing; 1937 methyl acid industrial manufacture was developed successfully, which entered the scale of manufacturing. In the course of World War II, acrylic has excellent toughness and light tran***ittance. First, it is applied to the windshield of the aircraft, and the perimeter of the tank driver's cab. In 1948, the first acrylic bathtub was born in the world, and then the application of acrylic entered a new milestone.

TPU 453DPS041〈TPU 453DPS041> 1. China's plexiglass and acrylic (acrylic) PMMA production and market situation. The total production capacity of China's plexiglass products is 130 thousand t*** per day, and there are many manufacturers, but the scale of production is ***all.

China's organic glass acrylic production and processing capacity is very large, but the product structure is not very reasonable, it can only produce ordinary variety products, lack of high value-added products needed by c***truction industry, and can not meet the market demand in variety and quality, for example, the demand for building is very high.TPU 453DPS041〈TPU 453DPS041>

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