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经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 广东 东莞
联系卖家: 周生 先生   QQ在线咨询275158775
手机号码: 15818465693
公司官网: www.qiantaisjia...
公司地址: 广东省东莞市樟木头塑胶城

TPU 1180A10FC【TPU 1180A10FC】

发布时间:2019-05-27 05:51:48        

TPU 1180A10FC【TPU 1180A10FC】EVA树脂在玩具中也有较多应用,如童车轮、座垫等。(5)热熔胶。以EVA树脂为主要成分的热熔胶,由于不含溶剂,不污染环境且安全性较高,非常适合于自动化的流水线生产,因此被广泛应用于书籍无线装订、家具封边、汽车和家用电器的装配、制鞋、地毯涂层和金属的防腐涂层上。千泰塑胶长期供应EVA E260F、EVA E182L、EVA E180F、EVA E265F、EVA E021、EVA E031、EVA E082。
EVA resin is also widely used in toys, such as children's wheels, cushi*** and so on. (5) hot melt adhesive. The hot melt adhesive, with EVA resin as its main component, is widely used in books wireless binding, furniture sealing, assembly of automobile and household appliances, shoes, carpet coating and anticorrosive coating on metal because of its non solvent, no pollution and high safety. Thousands of plastic long-term supply of EVA E260F, EVA E182L, EVA E180F, EVA E265F, EVA E021, EVA, EVA.TPU 1180A10FC【TPU 1180A10FC】

EEA features higher friction coefficient A physical properties table Encyclopedia EEA resin is polyolefin toughness and flexibility is *** large. Compared with EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate). With ethylene copolymer, EEA has higher thermal stability and belongs to non corrosive degradation products, so it can adapt to a wider range of processing. EEA is a thermoplastic with lower crystallinity than PE. The EEA resin is produced by free radical polymerization in a specially modified high-pressure polyethylene reactor.

PC‖/ABS新一代耐水解稳定性PC‖/ABS在PC‖T(Pressure Cooker Test)测试中,在95%RH,100℃高温高湿环境1000h后,该PC‖/ABS中的PC‖相仍然保持90%以上的分子量,未发生严重的水解;而合金的冲击性能仅下降15%,相比一般PC‖/ABS提高30%以上的性能。
In the PC T (Pressure Cooker Test) test, a new generation of /ABS /ABS in the PC T (Pressure Cooker Test) test, after 95%RH, the high temperature and humidity environment at 100 degrees C, the phase still maintained over 90% of the molecular weight, without serious hydrolysis, while the impact property of the alloy decreased by only 15%. Performance on.

The formability of the ABS material and the mechanical properties of PC, the impact strength and temperature resistance, the anti ultr***iolet (UV) and so on, can be widely used in the interior parts, transaction machines, communication equipment, household appliances and lighting equipment.

TPU at present, TPU has been widely used in medical health, electronic appliances, industry and sports and other aspects. It has the characteristics of high strength, good toughness, good toughness, abrasion resistance, cold resistance, oil resistance, water resistance, aging resistance and weather resistance which are incomparable to other plastic materials. At the same time, he has high waterproof and moisture permeability, wind proof, cold proof, anti cold, antibacterial and prevention. Moldy, warm, anti ultr***iolet and energy release, and many other excellent functi***.

TPE热塑性弹性体TPE(Thermoplastic Elastomer)是一种具有橡胶的高弹性,高强度,高回弹性,又具有可注塑加工的特征的材料。具有环保***安全,应用范围广,有优良的着色性,触感柔软,耐候性,***性和耐温性,加工性能优越,无须硫化,可以循环使用降低成本,既可以二次注塑成型,与PP、PE、PC‖、PS、ABS等基体材料包覆粘合,也可以单独成型。
TPE thermoplastic elastomer TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) is a material with high elastic, high strength, high resilience and injection molding. It has no toxic safety, wide application range, excellent coloring, soft touch, weatherability, fatigue resistance and temperature resistance, excellent processing performance and no vulcanization. It can be recycled with two injection molding and coated with PP, PE, PC, PS, ABS and other matrix materials. Type.

TPV可由TPO动态硫化后得到。与之相对应的热塑性静态硫化橡胶,就是指橡胶按传统方法先硫化好,然后通过磨粉设备把硫化好的橡胶磨成粉,***后与熔融的热塑性塑料共混,理论上这种方法也能制得性能优良的TPV,但到目前为止,只是处于实验室阶段。TPV 171-73、TPV 201-55、TPV 201-64、TPV 111-35、TPV 201-73、TPV 211-45、TPV 211-55
TPV can be obtained by TPO after dynamic vulcanization. The corresponding thermoplastic static vulcanization rubber means that the rubber is vulcanized according to the traditional method, then the vulcanized rubber is grinded through the grinding equipment, and then the *** is blended with the molten thermoplastic. In theory, this method can also make the excellent performance of TPV, but it is only in the laboratory stage so far. TPV 171-73, TPV 201-55, TPV 201-64, TPV 111-35, TPV 201-73, TPV 211-45, TPV 211-55TPU 1180A10FC【TPU 1180A10FC】

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地址:广东省东莞市樟木头塑胶城 主营产品:本公司经营PC,EEA,EAA,POM,PMMA,EBA,PBT,TPV.TPU.尼龙,PC.

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